
Necessary Ingredients For Successful Decentralized Governance.

This time, as I mentioned in my last post, I’m going to inform you what conditions are needed to success in a decentralized governance.

 In order to make effective and sustainable decentralization, it requires that some conditions must be respected. Here below, I list some of the most important conditions.

  1. It requires adequate financial resources to ensure the accomplishment of the works under the local responsibility.  Local governments must have the legal authority to make revenues to support the costs of their services and governmental tasks. Therefore, the fiscal relationship between the central and local government must be defined clearly.
  2. Capacity must exist at the local government level. It means they must have well-educated and sufficient professional personnel so that local government can manage public finances and maintain proper accounting procedures to provide public services efficiently.
  3. It requires accountability and transparency in order to make sure that there must not have abuse of power in local governments.  If accountability and transparency are not strong enough at locals, corruption and clientelism might be raised.
  4. Legislative framework that specifies the responsibilities and powers of local governments must be clearly defined in order to avoid interference and overlapping with central government.

My simple opinion is that to have efficient decentralization achieved, at first central government must have built not only political or economic infrastructures but also educational infrastructures in order to make citizens and personnel at local governments ready for engaging in social and political activities.  Without the foundation of functioning central governance, decentralization should end up being functioning inefficiently.    

Check out this site. there are much essential information about decentralization.

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