
Advantage Of Decentralization

The concept of decentralization is influenced by mix economic, political and social factors. Thus in utilizing the concept of decentralization it would be useful to fully understand its dynamics. 

Today, I’m going to present some main advantages of decentralization.

They include:

  • Facilitating good governance by empowering the local population and allowing them to participate in matters affecting their lives. This allows for the local people to be watch dogs on the system and ensure that public officials deliver quality goods and services.
  • Improving public service delivery. The lower levels of government can deliver services such as education, health, sanitation etc effectively because at the lower levels of government, politicians and civil servants are more aware of the needs of their community that will be more responsive to providing such services. Preferences of local populations are better known at lower levels of government.

  • Local governments can produce the same goods and services at lower costs than central governments because the “middle-men syndrome” and bureaucracy involving contract procedures would be reduced and therefore cost of producing and providing goods and services will be minimal.
  • Improving the efficiency of central governments. Decentralization allows a central government to concentrate more on national and international issues, which has been generated especially due to the recent world globalization.
  • Decentralized units may need less professionalization and can engage manpower from civil society thus administration costs will be lower and procedures simpler.

      However, it should be stated that for decentralization to succeed certain ingredients and conditions are necessary.    On my next blog, I will talk about the certain ingredients and conditions necessary for succeeding in achieving a well-functioning decentralization.

      ☆If you want to know more about the advantage of decentralization, see wikipedia or google "decentralization" . you can find various theses and articles about it on WWW.  or if you simply have some question about my blog, please give me some comments! I will try to answer them as much as I can with my knowledge.☆

      To be continued.

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